Wednesday Nov 17, 2021

J. Thomas Reacts to ”Made by God” (A Preach Magazine 2020 Sermon Finalist, by Paul Harrod)

"J. Thomas Reacts to 'Made by God'" has been created as an encouragement to engage actively with sermons and Biblical teachings by interacting with a preacher's exegesis and interpretive suggestions as they are presented.

The original video can be found on the PreachMagazine YouTube site, which explains thusly...

"Now in its 5th year, Sermon of the Year is a UK-wide Christian event, which promotes the art of sermon writing and preaching. Open to preachers of all ages and all Christian denominations, entrants submitted a 1500 word sermon on the theme of Made by God.

"Four were chosen to go forward to the Grand Final: Paul Harrod, Karen Taylor, Jan Thompson and William Wade."

For the original video visit: 

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